Ana ‘Lettie’ Crixell is Licensed in the state of Texas as a Professional Counselor (LPC) by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (2014). She is a Certified Anger Resolution Therapist (CART). She served as a Certified School Counselor (2005-2021).
Alfred Crixell Jr. is Licensed in the state of Texas as a Professional Counselor (LPC, 2004) and as a Board approved Supervisor (LPC-S, 2016) by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors. He serves as a Certified School Counselor (2001-present).
education background
Ana ‘Lettie’ Crixell received her B.S. in Elementary Education from Pan American University, and her M.Ed. in Counseling and Guidance from The University of Texas Pan American. She continues to receive professional development in targeted areas.
Alfred Crixell Jr. received his B.A. in Sociology from the University of Texas – Pan American, and his M.Ed. in Counseling and Guidance from the University of Texas – Pan American. He continues to receive professional development in targeted areas.
Professional Experience
Ana ‘Lettie’ Crixell has been a LPC in private practice (2014), specializing in family counseling and counseling clients of all ages, Marriage Counseling/Unmarried Couples on relational concerns, Anger Management. She also served as a Certified School Counselor (2005-2021) specializing in elementary aged children.
Alfred Crixell Jr. has been a LPC-S in private practice (2004), Specializing in young adults/adults with relational/emotional concerns, substance abuse issues, Anger Management, Couples and Marriage counseling. He is a Certified School Counselor (2001-present) specializing in adolescent issues. He is also a Board Approved Supervisor (2016).